Technology Education is a comprehensive program for middle School students at Daisy Bronson to explore Engineering related problems and work hands on within a Project-Based Learning environment. Students explore App development within Adobe Flash using ActionScript; a javascript based programming language, work within 3D space using Autodesk programs to design, build, model and 3D print solid objects, work within the PLTW® Launch program doing Design and Modeling exercises as well as Robotics with VEX robotics competition clawbots, and even discover the basics of Television communication and broadcasting working with LATV Channel 2.
Technology Education – 7th Grade
Using the industry standard 3d modeling software 3DS Max, which is used for digital animation, game development and special effects, students learn the basics of digital modeling and 3d printing. Starting with sketches and scale drawings from various angles, as well as isometric views, students learn the basics of the design process for digital modeling. They take their initial sketches and work through the 3d modeling software and 3d print items in class.
Once finished with the 3D modeling portion, students work within Adobe Flash and use the program as a prototyping software to learn the fundamentals of programming in a javascript based programming language known as ActionScript. Learning about navigation, buttons, variables, functions, strings, booleans, loops and “if” statements, the students program a working calculation program that can be exported and tested on an android tablet or phone.
Technology Education – 8th Grade
Using the PLTW® Launch program as a basis for the curriculum, students work through a comprehensive project-based learning assignment expanding their understanding of STEM while solving a complex real-world problem. They design, and prototype a working solution to a problem, document the entire research and development process, detail the process through a comprehensive slide show presentation and then discuss their solution and findings with the class. Working with real world engineering tools an devices they get a complete hands-on experience while developing and testing their solution.
Once the design process is complete the 8th graders take on a robotics challenge. Working with the VEX clawbot groups of students work together to build a working robot. Once complete they document detailed metrics on the capabilities of the robots, it’s lift capacity, wheel base, incline ability, top speed in fps, and full measurements of the robot. After they have documented the capabilities and limitation of the robot they must use this knowledge and design a single player challenge for the robot and it’s driver in a class based competition to compete for the chance to showcase their robot and design at the Spring Student Showcase.