
Manufacturing as many perceive it, has changed dramatically over the past ten plus years. The realities of today’s manufacturers include high paying jobs in pristine, state–of-the-art workplaces that consistently reach into new technology and development of innovative products.

Partnerships between manufacturing businesses and education institutions are essential in preparing students for manufacturing careers. Building these collaborative relationships is a key to success for both employees and employers in this important and viable industry.

Manufacturing Technology is a series of steps to bring hands-on-learning to students and to bridge the gap between science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Manufacturing will continue to face challenges as we move forward to the future. It is essential our students and potential workers have the knowledge and skills needed to continue to advance this vital sector of our economy in New Hampshire.

Manufacturing Technology I

The course will focus on the basic skills needed in the manufacturing field. Safety in the workplace will be a priority along with a good understanding of the role manufacturing plays in our everyday life. Basic knowledge and skills in the following areas will be studied and practiced:

  • Measuring tools used in industry
  • Engineering basics
  • Project development
  • Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
  • Computer Aided Machining (CAM)
  • 3D Modeling with printed prototype
  • Machine Control Basics of an industrial grade CNC machine
  • Basic tooling for machine cutting using CNC machines

Learning skills while making a variety of projects will be stressed. Examples are: CNC mill cut boxes, signs, lathe cut chess pieces and other personal designed parts that will reinforce the machining concepts.

Manufacturing Technology II

This course will take knowledge and skills developed in the first course and expand on them. More advanced CAD work will be required. Modeling of several parts that will fit together will be prototyped. Analyzing of parts to the drawing within tolerances will be stressed. CAM files will be expand to give more complex machining abilities. More complicated challenging projects will be attempted by students.

Manufacturing Technology II students will work with local manufacturers through field trips and internships to develop and practice workplace skills required by current and future manufacturers.